Short Film Directed by Naima Harrell
Nyctophobia is a short suspense film about a young man's fear of the dark and the figure who haunts that darkness. It was filmed and produced at UNC School of the Arts as Naima Harrell's Fourth Year Thesis Film. As Costume Designer, I was given a budget of $1000 as well as access to the School of Design & Production costume collection.
Played by Seth McLaughlin
Played by Abigail Garcia
Young Luca
Played by Nick Kelley
Preliminary Costume Design Boards
These collage boards were the initial concepts which the final costumes began as.
The setting is a middle class home in the late nineties. In the initial phases, the Creepy Man was much more prevalent, interacting with both Luca and his younger self, and you can see the original design concepts for the Creepy Man's costumes below.